Monday, May 21, 2012

Reason 4 - Obama Hates Capitalism.  End of Story

     Oh, I realize that some may find the aforementioned statement too strong and perhaps overly dramatic.  The sad thing is though, IT'S TRUE!  The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, hates capitalism.  There are no "ifs" "ands" or "buts" about it.  Barack Obama hates capitalism.  End of story.

     Earlier today I contacted David Axelrod, Obama's Campaign Manager, asking for clarification as to whether Obama merely hates capitalism or whether he just doesn't understand it or both. I highly doubt that Axelrod will respond as he is far too cowardly to engage in a debate about any real or substantive issue in the 2012 election.  Axelrod is only capable of talking about topics such as Romney's dog and alleged bullying incidents from fifty years ago.  

Regardless, I quickly came to the conclusion that, sadly enough, Obama is too smart of man not to understand anything about capitalism.  Now, he obviously doesn't understand it in the way that Governor Romney does.  Governor Romney is the very definition of capitalism and and is one of the foremost experts on not only capitalism's effects but what drives capitalism, how it truly works and how to effectively use it to create engines of economic growth and job creation.  

     No, Obama only understand's capitalism in the most basic of ways (i.e. its basic effects).  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reason 3 - Obama Loves Gay Marriage but he doesn't have the Balls to Admit it

     I could easily write an entire blog on the 1001 reasons why gay marriage is wrong.  And while I think I'll save that task for another day, here is a great link providing well thought out evidence on why God did not intend same sex couples to be together.  

     In a nutshell, sometimes in life the answers to questions are actually far more simple than they appear.  Gay marriage and homosexuality are perfect examples.  The evidence is at the very beginning of the bible!  As the Christian Answers link states "When God created a partner for Adam, He created Eve - not another Adam."  In addition, "If God had intended the human race to be fulfilled through both heterosexual and homosexual marriage, He would have designed our bodies to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual intercourse healthy and natural."  Do proponents of gay marriage and homosexuality think that God just screwed up or forgot?  As if He would have really said, "Darn it!  I forgot to give Adam a choice.  Perhaps he would have preferred another guy instead of a girl."  That's, of course, absurd.  God doesn't make mistakes.  He knew exactly what he was doing.  He wanted men to be with women.  End of story.

     Once again, we'll save this debate for another day.  My extraordinary annoyance with President Obama is not his stance on gay marriage, but his cowardly and political refusal to even admit what his stance is because he is terrified of the political consequences.  How long does it take for a position to "evolve"?  Obama's position  on gay marriage has allegedly been "evolving" for years now.  Who does he thing he's fooling?  His entire administration seems to be "coming out" (again, pardon the pun) in recent days with enthusiastic support of gay marriage.  Why not their leader, President Obama?  It's because he thinks that he can have his cake and eat it too.  

     Vice President Biden got the ball rolling this past weekend when on Meet the Press he went off on how great he thinks gay marriage is.  It's likely that he did not have a green light from the administration to say the things he did but when one has "diarrhea of the mouth" disease, who is going to blame him?  Biden's remarks obviously put Obama in an awkward position but this at least gives his administration the appearance of being "pro-gay" even if Obama himself remains quiet on the issue allowing his position to continue to evolve.  

    Do you want to know when Obama's position on gay marriage will stop evolving?  I'll tell you.  It will stop evolving at the end of January, 2013 on the day of the next presidential inauguration (the exact date of the inauguration has not yet been announced as January 20 falls on a Sunday and the Martin Luther King holiday is the following day).  If Obama is reelected he will be jumping up and down on the Capitol steps waving a rainbow flag and promising to serve as the officiant himself for a massive national gay marriage holiday that he just proclaimed.  He will no longer need to worry about the political repercussions and the true Obama can then be revealed.  

     Similarly, if Obama is defeated, he will not longer have any reason to cower under the bed.  He'll be free to jump up and down on his bed back in Chicago proudly saying that his position on gay marriage has finally evolved fully and he is now the new champion of the gay rights movement.  

     Again, no one on the earth, perhaps other than the pope and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, disagrees with gay marriage more than I do.  But that isn't my point today.  What truly sickens me most is Obama's refusal to admit that he is in support of gay marriage.  He is afraid of losing votes in swing states like North Carolina and Pennsylvania.  All of America should be furious at Obama for this, including the national gay rights organizations that have been begging Obama to jump on their bandwagon since the day he took office.

     Whether you believe that gay marriage is wrong or you believe that it is right is irrelevant for the purposes of today's blog.  The fact remains for all Americans that our country deserves far better than a self-serving, politically motivated coward as its leader.  President Barack Obama must be defeated in his quest for re-election.  

By Mark N. Ludwig - Seattle, WA - May 8, 2012



Friday, May 4, 2012

Reason 2 - Obama and Bin Laden (Taking Credit When Credit Isn't Due)

   Mr. President, I have news for you.  You did not kill Osama Bin Laden, the heroic men of U.S. Navy Seal Team 6 did.  Why do you therefore insist on bragging about his death as though you are solely responsible for bringing one of the world's most evil human beings to justice?

Your words and actions in the recent days surrounding the one year anniversary of Bin Laden's death has left me with the taste of vile phlegm stemming from my throat.  You truly remind me of an adolescent child on a playground who is running around chanting "Ha, Ha, I killed Osama Bin Laden, You Didn't, Ha Ha!"  And for you to even suggest that Governor Mitt Romney (or any other person for that matter) would not have given the kill order too is nothing less than complete lunacy and total delusion.  Of course, Governor Romney would have given the kill order.  For you to suggest otherwise makes you look like a politically driven fool.

Further, you must realize (which I truly think you don't) that all you did was give the kill order while sitting safely in the White House thousands of miles away.  The U.S. intelligence community and U.S. military personnel have worked mightily day and night since September 11, 2001 to bring this result about, not you, Mr. President.

Yes, you got a shocking call on the telephone one day informing you that Bin Laden had likely been found.  Contrary to what your massive ego tells you, there isn't a loyal American alive who would not have given the order to go for the kill.

Shame on you, Mr. President, for politicizing this issue for personal political gain.  You may think that crowing about killing Bin laden will distract the American people from the U.S. economic train wreck that truly is yours, but unfortunately for you, it will not.

I respectfully ask that you view this amazing video, Mr. President.!

It was put together by a great American veterans organization and gives their point of you on you "spiking the ball" over Bin Laden's death.  Perhaps you will think twice next time before taking credit where credit isn't due.


Mark N. Ludwig